Hand-dovetailed cross, cherry and purpleheart

Left- purpleheart and cherry Right- maple and bloodwood

Left- purpleheart and cherry
Right- maple and bloodwood

I wanted to attempt to make a small project entirely without the use of power tools.  Learning how to use hand planes, saws, and scrapers was definitely a challenge but I am happy with the results.  The dovetailed cross should be virtually bombproof: the joint is cross-grained and only a dab of acetate glue was used to hold the joint in place.  Any seasonal stress and movement will not have any damaging effects on the piece.  On the other cross I used an old barn-building joint; the peg and tenon.  This joint will also be virtually indestructible, as well as beautiful.

Badlands Painting


Asphaltum underpainting

I wanted to try to build a painting upon a transparent asphaltum underpainting and this is how it went.  Working from a photo definitely reduced the accuracy of the atmosphere that I was attempting to portray.


Badlands, oil on board, 8×10. Private collection